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Master of Arts -

The science of sound.

The Master of Arts degree program in Musicology deals with the research, analysis and reflection of music and sound in all their historical, aesthetic, cultural and media manifestations. At the Cologne University of Music and Dance, musicology is an interdisciplinary basic subject for all represented degree programs - and as such an integral part of the creative teaching and learning environment. As an independent course of study, it can be studied with various specializations and subsequently as a doctoral course.
The elective area "Artistic Research" is unique in Germany and enables students with an artistic degree to enter the innovative field of "Artistic Research"; alternatively, the research module "Musicological Research" can be chosen. Students in the "Artistic Research" elective area should emphasize the opportunity to receive individual tuition in their chosen main artistic subject.
The continuous development of skills in the field of research methodology and the communication and presentation of knowledge (also with regard to university didactics) accompanies the entire degree program. The development and consolidation of knowledge is systematically linked to the expansion and consolidation of specialist literature. The introduction to the academic world of the subject is encouraged and supported by the recognition of relevant achievements (conference attendance, participation in method workshops, writing academic texts, etc.) in the degree program.

If you have any questions about the degree program, please get in touch with the relevant contact person(s).


Basic information

Degree Master of Arts
Period of study 4 Semester
Course begin Wintersemester
ECTS points 120 Credits
Major subjects Künstlerische Forschung, Musikwissenschaftliche Forschung
Continuing study options Doctorate

Musicology research

The continuous development of competencies in the area of research methodology and the communication and presentation of knowledge (also with regard to university didactics) accompanies the entire study program.

The development and deepening of knowledge is systematically linked to the expansion and deepening of specialized literature. The introduction to the scientific operation of the subject is promoted and supported by the recognition of corresponding achievements (conference attendance, participation in methodological workshops, writing of scientific texts, etc.) in the study program.

Applications are submitted online via the muvac platform. All information on the procedure can be found on our application page.

  1. Study of a Bachelor's degree in Musicology or for the teaching profession at Gymnasiums and Gesamtschulen or Berufskolleg or a degree recognized as equivalent.
  2. Study of a Bachelor of Music in Education or instrumental pedagogical courses of study as well as a Bachelor of Music or artistic courses of study (then, in addition to the degree, 12 credits must have been acquired in the subject of musicology, whereby 2 credits must be proven for the preparation of a performance record)
  3. Completion of other music-related degree programs (in which case music-related academic studies (including music composition subjects and music education) totaling 40 credits must be demonstrated. Of these, 20 credits (including three performance credits) must be designated as music-related academic studies).
  4. Admission to the elective module "Artistic Development and Reflection" requires a Bachelor's degree in an artistic subject.

The following documents must be submitted for admission to the "Master of Arts Musicology" program:

  • Curriculum vitae,
  • proof of completion of a relevant university degree (certified copy),
  • an independently written musicological term paper of at least 15 pages,
  • letter of motivation for the application.

Admission to the program is decided on the basis of these documents by an admission committee appointed by Department 5. In individual cases, the commission may decide to invite applicants to an interview.

Students with a Bachelor's degree are given the opportunity to deepen their scientific know-how and further develop their skills in this field in a two-year Master's program.

To this end, the theory and practice of musicology are taught in an interdisciplinary context in the following modules:

  • Historical Musicology
  • Systematic Musicology
  • Popular music/ethnic musicology
  • Research: optionally "Musicological Research" or "Artistic Research
  • Cultural Studies / Media Theory
  • Knowledge Communication

In the field of "artistic research", artistic development processes are regarded as equivalent forms of knowledge acquisition to traditional scientific procedures and are used to gain specific knowledge from within the arts. The field of art based research or artistic research recurs to the specific production and performance structure of the arts themselves, instead of seeing the arts and especially their representation in "texts" as the object of scientific inquiry, as in traditional hermeneutic methodology.

Following the master's program, students can immediately begin their doctoral studies in musicology.

You can find a list of our lecturers on the following page.

For all those who wish to pursue an academic career in music and dance, the university offers the opportunity to do a doctorate. The Cologne University of Music and Dance has the right to award doctorates in the fields of musicology, music education, dance studies and musician's medicine, all of which are represented by academic professorships.

The musicology lecture series is a central event for the entire university. It addresses a different overarching and relevant topic each semester.

The Cologne University of Music and Dance regularly organizes scientific and artistic-scientific symposia in the fields of musicology, music education, dance studies and musician's medicine.

The Master of Arts in Musicology qualifies graduates for a wide range of professional fields: Opera / concert institutions (e.g. dramaturgy, assistant director),
cultural and creative industries (e.g. music production and distribution, cultural management), media (radio, television, online music portals etc.), press / journalism (music criticism), music publishers (editing, editorial work), music libraries / -
archives, music associations/foundations, academia (teaching/research, academic management etc.).

Current events

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Portrait Prof. Dr. Arnold Jacobshagen
Prof. Dr. Arnold Jacobshagen
Telephone +49 / (0)221 / 28380 - 362
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Unter Krahnenbäumen 87
50668 Köln
Portrait Prof. Dr. phil. Sabine Meine
Prof. Dr. phil. Sabine Meine
Vice Dean Department 5
Telephone +49 (0)221 / 28380 - 359
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 14
50668 Köln
Prof. Dr. Michael Rappe
Musikwissenschaft / Poptheorie
Telephone +49 / (0)221 / 28380 - 354
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 14, Raum 03
50668 Köln
Portrait Prof. Dr. Anna Schürmer
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Schürmer
Juniorprofessorin für Musikwissenschaft
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Unter Krahnenbäumen 87
50668 Köln