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Office of Student Affairs

Tasks & Responsibilities

The Office of Student Affairs provides information on:

  • Qualifying examinations
  • Admissions to studies
  • Enrollments
  • leaves of absence
  • Extensions of studies
  • Change of lecturer
  • Re-registrations
  • De-registrations

Office hours and contact

  • There is an open consultation hour Tuesday to Thursday 11:00 to 12:00 in rooms 6, 7 or 8.There is an open consultation hour Tuesday to Thursday 11:00 to 12:00 in rooms 6, 7 or 8. Individual appointments can be made by prior arrangement. 
  • Feel free to direct your inquiries to the Office of Student Affairs by e-mail.
  • The outside mailbox at the main entrances of the respective locations can be used at any time to hand in applications and documents.
  • Furthermore, P.O. Box 256 (yellow mailboxes) in the foyer of the Cologne site can be used during opening hours.
  • Department management
  • Contact persons

Frequently asked questions

  1. All applications can be found under Documents & Downloads. Please send completed and signed applications in digital form from your student e-mail account to the Office of Student Affairs(
  2. Required statements of the lecturers or approvals of the deans will be obtained by the Office of Student Affairs.
  3. You will then receive notification of your application by e-mail to your student e-mail account, which you should check regularly.

Who is insured?

As a student, you are covered by statutory accident insurance in accordance with the German Social Security Code Volume VII "Gesetzlicher Unfallversicherungsschutz" (SGB VII).
The prerequisite is that you are enrolled. The insurance cover is non-contributory for you. You can find detailed information on the website of the Unfallkasse NRW.

When are you insured against accidents?

You are insured against accidents as a student, for example

  • while attending courses
  • during other activities for which the university is responsible, such as participation in excursions
  • during excursions abroad organized by the university
  • during activities in the student self-administration
  • as well as on the associated paths.

In principle, you are also covered by accident insurance for university sports. The Unfallkasse NRW website explains which requirements must be met.

Not insured: purely private activities, for example

  • Study work at home
  • private study trips
  • private interruptions on the way to the university or back home (e.g. shopping)
  • detours for private reasons or
  • private activities on the university premises.

What does the Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen do?

If an accident or occupational illness has occurred, the Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen, based in Düsseldorf, will cover the costs of, among other things

  • treatment by a doctor/dentist, in hospital or in a rehabilitation facility, including the necessary travel and transportation costs
  • medicines, bandages, remedies and aids

No costs for property damage and financial losses are covered.
The accident insurance provider is Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen, based in Düsseldorf. Corresponding legally binding information, in particular on specific questions of insurance cover, can therefore only be provided by the Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen/Regionaldirektion Rheinland.

Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen/Regionaldirektion Rheinland
Moskauer Str. 18, 40227 Düsseldorf
Phone: 0211 / 28 08 - 0

What to do in the event of an accident?

  1. See a doctor - when choosing a doctor, make sure that it is an "accident at work".
  2. Then fill out the accident report from the Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen. Please use the accident report for children in day care or pre-school language support, school pupils and students.

Department management

Kerstin Bierbrauer
Abteilungsleiterin Studiensekretariat
Unter Krahnenbäumen 87, 50668 Köln