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Professionalization and training of intercultural competences

The IMPACTZONE series, initiated by the Center for Contemporary Dance at HfMT Cologne, presents choreographies by international artists, adapted, staged and performed by and with students of the BA Dance program.
The IMPACTZONE performance project involves students in local, national and international collaborations. It thus promotes an early connection to the professional field as well as the professionalization and training of intercultural competencies.

  • Choreographies: "Lighting" by Anna Konjetzky and "sigend.sealed.delivered" by Kilian Löderbusch
  • Dancers FB7/ZZT: Yi-Chen Chen, Indumati Das, Lena Valentina Hauth, Juri Jaworsky, Yosep Jeon, YeoJin Kim, Elin Tezel, Benze C. Werner, Paula Castelli, Nai-An Chen, Kora Hamm, Nadine Kribbe, Leonie Stöckle, Elodie Morgane Zermatten


  • Choreographies: "Soundtracking the Stage" Özlem Alkış and "What is left" Tim Behren (Overhead Project).
  • With: Yi-Chen Chen, Kora Isis Rebecca Hamm, Juri Jaworsky, Ameli Wilma Kremer, Lili Eva Irmeli Oksanen, Naz Salmanoglu, Henrike Tünnermann, Viktoria Veselovska, Aleksandra Demina, Juliana Garaycochea, Leandra Hardt, Lena Valentina Hauth, Benze C. Werner
  • Choreographies: "Vis Motrix Xsamples" by Rafaële Giovanola (D/CH), "Lorelei - Maneater" by Gustavo Gomes (D/BRA) and "ATARA" by Reut Shemesh (D/ISR)
  • With: Indumati Das, Tamora Dinklage, Juliana Garaycochea, Julian Emmanuel Große, Natacha Hüfken, Anne Heydecke, Lidia Jarecka, Yeojin Kim, Vivian Kovabasic, Kilian Löderbusch, Buyan Jagmur Memisogullari, Pauline Michel, Klara-Sophie Mügge, Darya Myasnikova, Giada Peli, Jovana Petrovska, Chandana Phadkule, Katharina Senzenberger, Anna Nele Simonsmeier, Josefine Luka Simonsen, Emma Stacey, Leonie Stöckle, Benze C. Werner